- WFriday 12th February 2021: Mini tests 1 & 2 on Heredity
- Friday 19th February 2021: Check Your Understanding 7.2 p240
- Thursday 1st April 2021: Problem Set exercises for Module 5
- Monday 22nd February 2021: Mini Tests 1 &2 are to be completed and marked.
- Friday 26th February 2021: Mini Tests 1 & 2 resubmitted complete and self-marked.
- Friday 23rd April 2021: Complete the following
Worked example 5.3 p181 and Try These Yourself p182
Investigation 5.5
Investigation 5.6, page 187 A secondary source investigation of how genetic similarities and differences can be compared
- Friday 30th April 2021:
Investigation 6.3 p212
- Friday 7th May 2021
- Friday 28th May 2021: assess the casuses and effects of diseases on agricultural production of animals